[Ayuda] Linux pequeno para laptop

Cristian Othon Martinez Vera cfuga en linuxppp.com
Mar Jun 29 18:13:09 CDT 2004

El mar, 29-06-2004 a las 17:55, Alejandro Martinez escribió:
> 	- WindowMaker
> 	- For office: OO is a brick for that RAM, but you can use Abiword, Gnumeric
> and MagicPoint
> 	- For email.- Thunderbird
> 	- Web browser.- Firefox
> 	- Graphics.- GIMP

 Well, I built from source and installed GNOME with 64 MB of RAM, and
created my slides with OO (precompiled) for GULEV 2003 in the same
machine. I could say that it works. Slow, yes, but it works. :-)

__(o< | Nombres/Names:        Cristian Othón  |  cfuga en linuxppp.com
\/|/  | Apellidos/Last Names: Martínez Vera   | http://linuxppp.com/
/_/_  |                                       | http://cfuga.net/
      |    "Pulchrum est paucorum hominum"    - Horace

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