[Ayuda] Bugzilla Error

unimauro unimauro en yahoo.com.mx
Dom Ene 4 19:23:46 CST 2004

Me sale en mi borwser este error 

Bugzilla has suffered an internal error. Please save this page and send
it to THE MAINTAINER HAS NOT YET BEEN SET with details of what you were
doing at the time this message appeared. 

URL: http://unimauro/bug/

Template->process() failed twice.
First error: file error - index.html.tmpl: not found
Second error: file error - global/code-error.html.tmpl: not found

y el apache log dice esto :

[Sun Jan 04 20:11:54 2004] [error] [client] [Sun Jan  4
20:11:53 2004] index.cgi: [Sun Jan  4 20:11:53 2004] index.cgi:
Compilation failed in require at CGI.pl line 53.

[Sun Jan 04 20:11:54 2004] [error] [client] [Sun Jan  4
20:11:53 2004] index.cgi: Compilation failed in require at
/opt/bugzilla-2.16.4/index.cgi line 38.

|  .---.   |   www.unimauro.pe.kz || www.perupymes.net |
|  |º_º|   |      Carlos Mauro Cárdenas Fernández      |
|  |:_/|   |*irc.freenode.net #apesol                  |
| //   \\  |*irc.gimp.org #gnome-hispano               |   
|(|     |) |     051-001-4582877 || 051-001-97079624   |
|/'\_ _/'\ |        Jr.Las Cidras 664, Lima Peru       |
|\__) (__/ |*Lo hacemos por diversion."Linus T"        |

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