[Ayuda] RV: copiar e-mail
Cristian Othon Martinez Vera
cfuga en itam.mx
Jue Mar 14 08:15:11 CST 2002
El jue, 14-03-2002 a las 05:55, esteban escribió:
> vuelvo al tema si alguien me puede contestar gracias
> hola a todos quisiera saber como hacer para reenviar una copia de una cuenta de e-mail a otra
> por ejemplo yo tengo dos cuentas en el home de una lo que hice fue un .forwad a otra cuanta
> esto esta bien pero yo quiero tener en la cuenta original una copía del mismo
> saludos y gracias por la atencion
Solucion facil: En tu .forward agrega ambas direcciones, tanto la local
como la otra. El problema es que si esta mal configurado tu servidor de
correo puedes crear un `loop'.
Solucion no tan facil, pero efectiva: Utiliza una regla de procmail.
man procmail
man procmailex
(o- Cristian Othon Martinez Vera <cfuga en itam.mx> Pulchrum est paucorum
//\ http://eniac.rhon.itam.mx/~cfuga/ hominum.
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Ayuda en linux.org.mx
rom info-cvs-admin en gnu.org Wed Mar 13 18:55:18 2002
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To: larry.jones en sdrc.com (Larry Jones), erics en telepres.com (Eric Siegerman)
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Subject: Re: cvs 1.11.1.p1 build errors
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Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 13:46:36 -0800
That did the trick, so here's the solution one more time for knuckleheads
like me who can't seem to get it right! ;)
1) If a previous 'make' was unsuccessful, do a 'make clean' and 'make
distclean' BEFORE attempting to configure again.
2) './configure --without-gssapi --without-krb4'
3) make
4) make install
5) Write email to Larry and Eric thanking them for their help.
6) Get back to work!
> At 12:13 PM 3/14/2002 , Larry Jones wrote:
> Eric Siegerman writes:
> >
> > Try adding "--without-krb4" as well (to the "configure" command
> > line). Someone just today posted that this doesn't work, but it
> > did for me, so it might for you.
> And be sure to do "make distclean" before rerunning configure.
> -Larry Jones
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rom linux-kernel-owner en vger.kernel.org Thu Mar 14 00:35:26 2002
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Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 23:00:55 -0800
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To: Dan Maas <dmaas en dcine.com>
CC: linux-kernel en vger.kernel.org
Subject: Re: unwanted disk access by the kernel?
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Dan Maas wrote:
> I've been trying to set up my laptop for mobile use. I'm having a
> problem with unwanted disk activity - even when the system is
> completely idle, there is still an occasional trickle of disk writes
> (which prevents the poor hard drive from ever spinning down).
> Yes, I thought this was a user-space issue too - but even booting into
> a bare-bones root environment does not stop the occasional disk
> access! Here is everything that's left:
Are all filesystems mounted with the `noatime' mount option?
> 7 root 0 0 00:00:00 SW [kupdated] kupdate
> 6 root 0 0 00:00:00 SW [bdflush] bdflush
> 5 root 0 0 00:00:00 SW [kswapd] kswapd
> 4 root 0 0 00:00:00 SWN [ksoftirqd_CPU0] ksoftirqd
> 1 root 1316 524 00:00:05 S init [S] select
> 2 root 0 0 00:00:00 SW [keventd] context_thread
> 3 root 0 0 00:00:00 SW [kapmd] apm_mainloop
> 8 root 0 0 00:00:00 Z [khubd <defunct> exit
eww. Does khubd always do that? Does this patch make it behave?
--- linux-2.4.19-pre3/drivers/usb/hub.c Mon Mar 11 14:53:21 2002
+++ linux-akpm/drivers/usb/hub.c Thu Mar 14 22:59:17 2002
@@ -908,6 +908,7 @@ static int usb_hub_thread(void *__hub)
+ reparent_to_init();
/* Setup a nice name */
strcpy(current->comm, "khubd");
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rom owner-coldsync-hackers en lusars.net Thu Mar 14 01:10:59 2002
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Subject: [coldsync-hackers] modem sync?
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I have dial-up serwer which I can connect to with my Palm.
Which way should I use coldsync to synchronize my palm ?.
As inetd deamon ?
Which type of syncing should I choose on Palm (there are 2 types of
modem sync).
Thanks for answer.
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