[Ayuda] Alguien pregunto acerca de los mail server de prodigy?

Mario Benitez mario en cancun.com
Vie Ene 11 09:34:23 CST 2002

Ahi les va el dato,

> Received: from smtp.prodigy.net.mx 
>  (du-200-64-41-133.prodigy.net.mx []) 

>  by SMTP.Prodigy.Net.mx (Sun Internet Mail Server

>  with SMTP id <0GPQ0017RJM5QZ en SMTP.Prodigy.Net.mx>; Thu, 
>  10 Jan 2002 12:35:49 -0600 (CST) 



  Contrary to popular opinion, UNIX *is* user friendly. It's
  just very choosy about who it considers its friends.
 Mario Benitez Martinez		Cancun   Online   S.A   de   C.V
 SysAdmin & TechSupport		Av.Xpuhil # 3  Penthouse   SM.27
 mario en cancun.com		     Cancun, Q.Roo, Mexico, CP: 77502
 ICQ: 47313759			(52).(998).8875554   &   8920025
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