starting X -- problems

Frederico S. Muñoz fsmunoz en
Vie Oct 13 08:35:31 CDT 2000

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bryan Walton" <walton en>
To: <debian-hurd en>
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 2:13 PM
Subject: starting X -- problems

> Greetings,
> Using Marcus's instructions, I have been working to get X running on my
hurd box.  After some careful work, I think have everything configured and
running.  However, I have hit a snag.  When I type "startx", I get a
complaint that the Hurd can't open or find, but when I do a
locate on that file, it shows up:
> /X11R6/lib/
> It appears that it is a symlink to
> The file is owned by root and shows the following permissions:
> -rw-r--r--
> Does anybody have any ideas as to where my problem may reside?  BTW, I get
a similar problem when if I type XF86Setup.  It complains about not finding which I find also.

The problem is prolly because ldconfig doesn't work in the Hurd (er, or
something to that effect); you have to explicitly set the path to X libs.

Something like:

$export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/X11R6/lib

(better to put it on .bashrc)

Hope this helps,

best regards,

Frederico S. Muñoz
fsmunoz en

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