You know you're a Linux geek when...

Fabian Bedoya Gonzalez fbedoya en
Jue Feb 10 17:01:12 CST 2000

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When someone mentions "The Other OS", you think they are talking about

You start using penguins in your web site design.

You've programmed your spell checker to replace "knew" and "new" with

When you find . -name "what" -type F| xargs grep "where"| cut -t "when"|
grep "who"> now! is a reality!

Every job interview that you go to becomes a session of Linux Advocacy.

You know over 20 different people by their uid on Slashdot, but have
never met them in person.

When they say "lie low" you think about booting linux

You keep track of your highest uptime, and try to break your record.

The only thing you ever do online is read the latest linux news, linux
software releases, linux HOWTOs, usenet linux threads, etc., etc.

You use /. as your homepage.

Typing 'locate Bitch' at the command prompt makes perfect sense.

You try to cat your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

You can reconstruct your fstab from scratch, and not even think about

When in MS Word, you type :wq

You are hitting the TAB key in the DOS-Shell

You feel patronized when your Wintel box at work asks you if you "really
want to log out?"

You wish Windows had virtual desktops.

You enjoy getting fsck'd when your computer boots.

You know how to attain Enlightenment.

In Windows, you keep referring to your drives as /dev/hdx

Freeing the mallocs seems a worthier cause than freeing the whales.

You ask yourself why Windows 9X has a login screen with a Cancel button.

Someone tells you command line options for an application and you need
toilet paper to write it down.

While at a hip party someones asks "Hey wanna burn one?". You ask if
they have a blank CDR.

When other people talk about their exotic animals you think they're
talking about O'Reilly books.

With the boot disk you're always carrying, a debian and redhat CD

You find the thought of rebooting after installing a piece of software
utterly absurd.

Tour definition of a tarball has nothing to do with fossil fuels.

When you hear the words 'Fresh meat' you think of software.

You feel the desire to master vi.

You have more than 10 network services enabled on your home network.

You think "Microsoft" is a brand-name for toilet paper.

The only time your computer reboots is to try out a new kernel.

You type "/" when trying to change directories in Windows.

You carry a Linux boot-floppy wherever you go.

You feel an undefined sense of shame when the advice you give on Windows
9X works.

You're on your first date and all you can think about is open source.

You dream of penguins.

Fabian Bedoya Gonzalez.
Ingeniero Red Internet-Telecom.
Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones, TELECOM.
Barranquilla, Colombia.

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