Timidity-2.10.0 fails with alsa-0.5.9b (fwd)
'Aztec Eagle' Turbo
turbo en cie.unam.mx
Mar Ago 29 14:29:21 CDT 2000
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Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 14:23:19 -0500 (CDT)
From: 'Aztec Eagle' Turbo <turbo en cie.unam.mx>
Subject: Timidity-2.10.0 fails with alsa-0.5.9b
I had to do somethings with my Linux box (probe a WaveLAN IEEE
Silver Card) and had to upgrade to kernel-2.2.16-3. The card
worked! Also I had to re-install alsa-driver (I have a se440bx2
motherboard with a buildin ymfpci) So I downloaded the new driver
(0.5.9b) and installed it. Good! I can hear the news at the fm
radio (I have a Radio Track 2) again!
But timidity-2.10.0 started to fail! It skips several notes at
starting, losses syncrony (I mean: the notes what you see are not
the notes what you hear. I used ncurses, vt100 and xaw interfaces)
and finally drops polyphony until one or two notes! What a mess!
(Can be avoided with -pa, of course) It was working great with
kernel-2.2.5 and alsa-0.5.9!
Incidentally timidity is working good with jazz-4.1.3 as
alsa sequencer client (the primary raeson why I use alsa, timidity
and jazz together).
I've reinstalled alsa-0.5.9 and timidity did still not work :-( I
reinstalled Timidity but things are still wrong :-( Is there a
know problem out there? How can I do to catch the problem? Am I
doing something wierd?
Ing. Héctor Daniel Cortés González <hdcg en cie.unam.mx>
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