OpenBSD to merge with RedHat (fwd)

Jesus Alejandro Juarez Robles jjuarez en
Lun Abr 3 08:42:19 CDT 2000

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Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2000 10:48:39 -0700 (MST)
From: Buffer the IP Slayer <info en>
To: announce en
Subject: OpenBSD to merge with RedHat

April 1, 19100
Durham, NC -- MSNBC News Services

"OpenBSD to merge with RedHat"

Linux vendor Red Hat Inc. (Nasdaq: RHAT) announced today it will
acquire secure OS maker OpenBSD in a deal involving Red Hat 
shares. OpenBSD, widely regarded as the world's most secure
operating system, will be merged with Red Hat Linux, the market
leader in Linux distributions. The new company will be called Rad
Hat Labs.

Said Red Hat CEO Robert Young "The Linux mascot is a penguin and
OpenBSD's is a blowfish.  Both of these are marine animals so it
really was a natural pairing.  In the same way that the ocean covers
over 75% of the surface of the earth, we hope to gain at least 75%
of the operating system marketplace.  Also, because of the strength
of the US dollar in comparison to the Canadian dollar we were able
to pick them up for a song."  Said de Raadt of the purchase "I tried
to get them to pay me in Krugerrands but had to settle for stock".
The exact purchase price has not been disclosed. Red Hat shares closed
Friday at 42-3/8.

According to industry analyst Mudge of L0pht @Stake the corporate image
was a negotiating stumbling block. "I tried to convince them to
call it GrayHat OpenBSD but that didn't fly."  Young told us "That's
just not the image we're going for.  We're thinking more along the
lines of the OpenBSD blowfish wearing a backwards red baseball cap
to give it a real rebel edge."  There will be a few changes at
Red Hat as well.  Reportedly, `Rhad Labs' will be changing its name
to `deRaadt Labs' in honor of OpenBSD's founder.  And speaking of
the Labs, Alan Cox had the following to say "I've admired the
OpenBSD security model for some time now and look forward to
working with Theo."

The new merged operating system will also be released under the Rad Hat
Community Source License. Young was quick to point that the new 15 page
source license still means business as usual for developers
and users. "Whatever you could do with the source code before, you can
still do under the new license", said Young. "It's just that corporate
buyers didn't take us seriously with the GPL or the BSD licenses. Now
that they have to spend serious cash on lawyers to interpret this thing
for them, they view us as a real software vendor."

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